Welcome to the Hyams family website
This is the private website of David, Ronit, Jonathan and
Dina Hyams. This site is not intended as competition to the
world’s major news, information or social networking sites
(although it would be nice to have millions of hits a day :-)
but is simply a placeholder for any items that we feel may
be of interest to a wider audience.
If you don’t know who we are or you wish to contact us
directly but don’t know how, then I suggest you look
elswehere for further information. Try www.telsearch.ch,
Xing, LinkedIn or Facebook, depending on who or what
you’re looking for. (Hint - there aren’t that many Hyams in
Switzerland, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find us).
If you have any comments relating to the content, design or layout of this website then send an
email to webmaster@hyams.ch